Dietary Supplements

Şifa ChemistryDietary Supplements

Ress Black Mulberry Syrup

Ress Black Mulberry Syrup helps eliminate tonsillitis, resolve oral and dental injuries, and heal especially the aphthous ulcers caused by candida yeast infections in children.

RESS Nigella Sativa Oil

Ress Nigella Sativa Oil contains Omega 3 and Omega 6, therefore, it helps to reinforce the immune system against allergies and infections.

Almond oil 30 ml

Almond oil 30 ml helps to prevent the formation of the skin cracks occurring due to various reasons. It can also be used to relieve intestinal gas in infants and to help as a laxative.

Ress Sweet Almond Oil

Ress Sweet Almond Oil is used as an aid to prevent the skin cracks that may occur due to various reasons. It can also be used to relieve intestinal gas in infants and to help as a laxative.

Ress Sage Oil

Ress Sage Oil helps eliminate flatulence in infants and adults. It is used as an aid in the treatment of sweating disorders, helps induce diuresis, and it is used as an aid for the treatment of menstrual irregularities.

RESS Pine Turpentine Oil

Ress pine turpentine oil can be used as an aid to treatment in injuries and cuts.

Mixed Herbal Tea with Anise

Ress Mixed Herbal Tea with Anise is used as an aid for sputum discharge and for the alleviation of flatulence.


Ress Tiryak can be used to facilitate appetite due to the spices in its content.

Ress Glucose

Ress Glucose 50 – 75 – 100 gr is used for preparing the solution to be used for the glucose tolerance test.


3 drops of Alkaress pH Booster Drops 50 ml, which is dripped in 1 glass of water, helps to maintain the pH balance of the blood and to alleviate dyspepsia.


2-3 tablets of Ress Carbonate AllDay are dissolved in a glass of water and taken before food intake and 2-3 tablets taken 1-2 hours after food intake for helping to compensate the excessive acidity in the body and in the stomach, and to alleviate flatulence and chronic fatigue due to acidity.

RESS Peppermint and Lemon Effervescent

RESS Peppermint and Lemon effervescent is used in helping to provide vitamin C to meet the needs of the body, to ease breathing, to provide comfort for the airways, and to reinforce the body defense systems during flu or the common cold.

RESS Chamomile Tea 25 g

Ress Chamomile Tea is used as an aid for relaxation and sedation when prepared with the 2% decoction method.